Kõik tooted
- Tikkimiskomplektid
- Teemantmosaiik
- Maalimine numbrite järgi
- 3D Origami paberist meisterdused
- Teemantmosaiik puidul
- Teemantmosaiik postkaardid
- Wizardi puidust pusle
- Tikandid, alused ja rõngad
- Dekupaaž
- Nukud ja lapitöö tarvikud
- Tikkimis tööriistad ja tarvikud
- Molbertid
- Tandoori ahjud
- Muud tooted
With over 20 years on the market, the Russian brand RIOLIS has been enjoying well-deserved popularity among handicraft fans all over the world. The company is responsive to the feedback provided by its customers and its embroidery kits are known for high quality and sophisticated design. RIOLIS offers cross-stitch, hemstitch, ribbon and beading kits. Besides, the company was the first to introduce wool embroidery kits. RIOLIS Premium, Create It Yourself and Happy Bee kits are the perfect gifts for both amateur and experienced embroiderers.
Artibalta represents RIOLIS in Belarus, Lithuania and other countries.
- Avalehele
- Tikkimiskomplektid
- Teemantmosaiik
- Maalimine numbrite järgi
- Teemantmosaiik postkaardid
- Teemantmosaiik puidul
- 3D Origami paberist meisterdused
- Tikandid, alused ja rõngad
- Wizardi puidust pusle
- Tikkimis tööriistad ja tarvikud
- Nukud ja lapitöö tarvikud
- Wizardi frames
- Dekupaaž
- Molbertid
- Reproduction
- Tandoori ahjud
- Muud tooted
- Tikkimiskomplektid
0,00 € - 90,00 €
Uued tooted
Riolis Olemas 841 toodet.
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